Selasa, 26 Oktober 2010
Jumat, 08 Oktober 2010
Family Research Council: The Obama Administration Is Planning To Kill DOMA
Family Research Council douchenozzle Tony Perkins says that the Obama administration is deliberately sabotaging the defense of DOMA. But he says the haters have an ace in the hole in GOP Rep. Lamar Smith (TX). Via press release:
When a federal district court ruled in July that DOMA was unconstitutional, it fell to Obama's Justice Department to fight for the law. But so far, the fight has been one-sided. As of this week, the Department of Justice (DOJ) hadn't lifted a finger to appeal the ruling. Enter Congressman Lamar Smith (R-Texas). If the federal government won't defend its own marriage law, then he will. Together with the Alliance Defense Fund (ADF), the GOP's ranking member on the House Judiciary committee is petitioning the U.S. District Court of Massachusetts to intervene. And just in the nick of time.
By the Left's calculations, the deadline for entering an appeal is this Tuesday, October 12th. If the motion succeeds, Rep. Smith will fill the vacuum left by this administration. In a press release announcing the partnership, ADF points out " The DOJ's current DOMA defense, which happens to fit the current administration's policy preferences, is really no defense at all." As the motion states, "The DOJ's [indifference] is especially alarming here because people have the right to rely on the government to make a good defense of laws passed by their congressional representatives." Now that Congressman Smith has called their bluff, it will be interesting to see how the DOJ's attorneys respond. Ironically, the October 12th deadline falls right after National Coming Out Day. I wonder if the administration will take the opportunity to come out of the closet about its strategy to kill DOMA?
Dawk Sawkasm In Thuh Claahsroom
Last night my pal Jerry treated me to Roger Waters' restaging of Pink Floyd's The Wall at Madison Square Garden, where 20,000 New Yorkers sang along to the title track in mock British accents. (Same thing when I saw Depeche Mode in Miami: The grawbing hanns, grawb all they conn.) The show was every bit the spectacle it's reputed to be: giant puppets, a massive collapsing wall, free-flying remote controlled inflatable pig, etc.
While I was never a Pink Floyd fan, much of the music felt vaguely familiar in that way that massive hit albums used to insinuate themselves into your subconscious whether you dug them or not. That probably doesn't happen anymore. My favorite moment was watching yuppies pump their fists from their $1000 seats to the anti-Big Brother message as they checked their nanny-cam live-streams from their smartphones. By the way, at 67 years old Roger Waters looked and sounded amazing.
Reaching Out To The Gay Teabaggers
JMG reader Sean Chapin tips us that the gas station at the intersection of Market and Castro is putting up a sign to advertise Sarah Palin's coming appearance in San Jose.
Quote Of The Day - Bryan Fischer
"The fire department did the right and Christian thing. The right thing, by the way, is also the Christian thing, because there can be no difference between the two. The right thing to do will always be the Christian thing to do, and the Christian thing to do will always be the right thing to do. If I somehow think the right thing to do is not the Christian thing to do, then I am either confused about what is right or confused about Christianity, or both.
"In this case, critics of the fire department are confused both about right and wrong and about Christianity. And it is because they have fallen prey to a weakened, feminized version of Christianity that is only about softer virtues such as compassion and not in any part about the muscular Christian virtues of individual responsibility and accountability." - American Family Association radio host Bryan Fischer on the Tennessee fire department that watched a family's house burn to the ground because they had not paid the annual $75 fire protection fee.
HomoQuotable - Carl Siciliano
"I dream of a day where every gay youth in our country will have access to safe spaces, where no gay kid will live more than 100 miles from a space where LGBT youth can go to find community and support. But the creation of these life-saving spaces will require the passionate commitment and attention of the adult LGBT community. We need to pay attention to what is available to teens in our local communities. We need to raise funds and resources to support these spaces, and be aggressive in advocating that our tax dollars be used to support spaces where our teens receive the support they need.
"In the last eighteen months, in a city with as large an LGBT population as New York City, the Ali Forney Center lost funding for its emergency shelter, Green Chimney's lost funding for its foster care program, and Hetrick Martin and the LGBT Center lost funding for their after-school youth programs. Our youth need an adult community that is so committed to their welfare that such cuts to lifesaving services for LGBT teens could not occur without a tremendous outcry from our community.
"Too many of our youth are under attack in their homes, schools and communities. Homophobia creates environments that are deadly to our youth. We need to recognize the depth of this crisis and see the protection of our youth as a core responsibility of our movement. We need to build a support system that will save their lives." - Ali Forney Center executive director Carl Siciliano, in a response to the national epidemic of gay teen suicides.
Truth Wins Out Announces Philadephia Protest Of "Ex-Gay" Group NARTH
Truth Wins Out, our heroes in the battle against the cruelties of the "ex-gay" industry, have launched the Lift My Luggage! website to promote their November 6th protest at the annual convention of NARTH in Philadelphia.
The National Association for Research and Therapy of Homosexuality (NARTH) is having its annual convention in Philadelphia (Nov. 5-7). The notorious "ex-gay" group is hoping that Americans have amnesia and don't remember that its most "prominent" board member, George Rekers, was forced to resign in May. Rekers stepped down after he was caught vacationing with a male escort he met on RentBoy.com. When asked why he had hired the young man, Rekers said it was to, "lift his luggage." As the infamous quacks at NARTH gather for their annual convention, let's Remind America that NARTH is a pseudo-scientific organization that is more about Rent Boys than research.
PROTEST SPONSORS: Equality Forum, William Way LGBT Community Center, MCC Philadelphia, Pam Spaulding (Pam's House Blend), Joe Jervis (Joe.My.God) and Jeremy Hooper (Good As You).
As noted above, JMG is a co-sponsor and I'm already on the hunt for a fabulous pink suitcase to wheel up to the doors of the NARTH convention. Visit the Lift My Luggage! site for directions to the event. I hope to see lots of you in Philly on November 6th! Drinkies at Woody's after?
Imprisoned Chinese Dissident Liu Xiaobo Awarded Nobel Peace Prize
Chinese dissident Liu Xiaobo, who is one year into an eleven year prison sentence, was today awarded the Nobel Peace Prize.
In a statement, the Nobel Committee said Liu, 54, was awarded the prize "for his long and non-violent struggle for fundamental human rights in China." Liu is serving his sentence at Jinzhou prison in Liaoning, hundreds of miles from his home and wife, Liu Xia, in Beijing. His wife reacted to the news by expressing her thanks that Liu's physical condition seems to have improved in jail, that he's allowed to read and that the two can exchange regular letters. "We have no regrets," she said. "All of this has been of our choosing. It will always be so. We'll bear the consequences together. I've known Liu since 1982. I've watched him change little by little year by year, and we know that we have to pay the price under the current situation in China."
China had warned the Norwegian government that they were not to consider Liu for the honor, claiming that he was ineligible. Liu was imprisoned in 2009 for signing onto a document calling for free elections and expanded human rights in China. He is the first Chinese citizen to win the prize.
Ben Bradshaw and Chris Bryant lose out on Shadow Cabinet places – but Angela Eagle succeeds
Bed Bradshaw, Chris Bryant and Stephen Twigg all failed to receive the requisite amount of votes to be elected to the cabinet. All three had backed David Miliband for Labour Leader back in September, before he lost to his younger brother Ed.
The only openly gay MP now in the cabinet is Angela Eagle. Ms Eagle, 49, is Labour's only out lesbian MP. She was elected MP for Wallasey in 1992 and was a pensions minister between 2009 and 2010.
Harriet Harman, Women and Equalities Minister, was assured a place in the cabinet as deputy leader of the Labour Party. The cabinet has 11 women MPs in all.
Mr Bradshaw, 50, has been MP for Exeter since 1997 and has served as minister for culture, sport, media and also health. He received 53 votes.
Mr Bryant, 48, is a former vicar and has been MP for Rhondda since 2001. He received 77 votes.
Mr Twigg, 43, has been MP for Liverpool and West Derby since May this year. He is also the former state minister for schools. He received 55 votes.
Prisoner given extra time for slashing gay inmate's face
Thomas Conington, 22, slashed the face of Paul Fegan in the latter's cell in Ingliston Hall in Saughton Prison, Edinburgh.
Conington had reportedly gone to Mr Fegan's cell to borrow a DVD. He claims that Mr Fegan – who he knew was gay – came toward him "with a look in his eye". At this point, Conington pulled out a razor and slashed him across the face.
Yesterday at Edinburgh Sheriff Court, Sheriff Derrick McIntyre sentenced Conington to 20 months to run consecutively in prison.
As reported in Edinburgh News, the two prisoners had got on well and often played pool together. But had problems began when Mr Fegan began circulating rumours that Conington was gay and that the two of them had met on the outside in a gay pub.
Conington – who is heterosexual – was apparently worried that the rumours would leave him vulnerable to unwanted attention in prison, as he told an officer. The court were told that the officer had replied: "You better watch out Thomas, because if he wanted to have you he would".
Conington's defence agent Matthew Auchincloss told the court that this had been on his client's mind when he launched his attack on Mr Fegan, who was described as a "large" and "physically intimidating" man.
Mr Fegan has been left with a near nine-inch scar on the left side of his face. Sheriff McIntyre described the attack as a "pretty vicious assault".
Jakub Stefano: His New Size
Kamis, 07 Oktober 2010
Gay teen suicides create a ’teachable moment’
Often feeling marginalized in political discourse or grousing that they’re used as political pawns, they have the nation’s attention - and sympathy - after a recent spate of teenage suicides and two apparent anti-gay attacks in the heart of their community.
Same-sex marriage and gays in the military remain on the political front burner, but general education and anti-discrimination campaigns are drawing a wider audience. While advocates hesitate to appear as if they’re capitalizing on tragedy, some observers say the political gains from it could come naturally.
Rep. Barney Frank, the nation’s first openly gay congressman, drew a parallel to the violent images of trained animals attacking civil rights protesters in the segregated South - and how they helped galvanize white sentiment in favor of black civil rights.
"The police dogs helped the movement," he said. "It’s when bigotry shows itself at its worst that people respond
Tim Gunn: I Tried to Kill Myself as a Gay Teen
Project Runway’s Tim Gunn has recorded a message for the Trevor Project’s "It Gets Better" video series to create a public service video talking directly to GLBT youth who might be contemplating suicide.
The video project includes public service announcements from GLBT and straight celebrities such as columnist Dan Savage, actors Chris Colfer and Ian Somerhalder, blogger Perez Hilton, and others. The videos aim to counter GLBT youth suicides, such as the rash of bullied gay teens who have taken their own lives in recent weeks.
"I have a very important message for gay, lesbian, bisexual, transgender, and questioning youth," Gunn says in the two minute and twelve second long video, "and that is: it gets better. It really does."
Gunn goes on to say that he understands "the desperation" of gay youths from first-hand experience. "As a 17-year-old youth who was in quite a bit of despair, I attempted to kill myself," Gunn says in the video message. "And I’m very happy today that that attempt was unsuccessful, but at the time it’s all that I could contemplate.
Ohio woman pretended to be boy to date teen girl
A 31-year-old woman who posed as a teenage boy, cutting her hair and using male aliases, so she could date teenage girls pleaded guilty Wednesday and was sentenced to six months in jail.
Patricia Dye, of Franklin, also was ordered her to undergo a mental health evaluation and follow any recommended treatment.
Prosecutors have said Dye tricked at least two teenage girls into dating her, although charges were filed in connection with only one, a 16-year-old. She was arrested in June after the girl ran away from home for a few days and stayed with Dye for at least part of that time, authorities said.
Dye pleaded guilty Wednesday to three misdemeanor charges: sexual imposition, attempted sexual imposition and contributing to the delinquency of a minor
Benjamin Loehrer: Posing (1)
So young, and already so big. Benjamin Loehrer, the great, 21-year-old bodybuilder, works out and poses on three DVDs produced by PumpingMuscle.com. See the best moments on these screen captures made by TOP FIT GUYS. All photos (c) PumpingMuscle.com.
Harassed Gay College Student Breaks Silence to Anderson Cooper
Among other actions targeting Armstrong, a Michigan assistant attorney general named Andrew Shirvell has posted images of Armstrong at a blog called Chris Armstrong Watch, including an image that depicts a rainbow flag with a Nazi symbol and an arrow pointing to Armstrong. The blog has made a number of claims against the young man, including accusations that Armstrong has seduced fellow students in order to coax them into a "homosexual lifestyle," and that an orgy took place in Armstrong’s dorm room.
Wicked Cutie :: Colton Haynes
The Beautiful Gregory Capra 2011
Gregory Capra will look in 2011 better than ever. Surely in his new calendar GREGORY CAPRA 2011, which is available in the middle of October. Gregory, the French personal trainer and fitness model, tells: "Jean-Philippe Raibaud was the first photographer with whom I worked and who shot my first high quality photos. This calendar signs our second cooperation after our first
meeting in 2005, when I started my career as a model and a personal trainer. We have became friends since that wonderful meeting. Five years after our first cooperation, we finally decided to create not only a calendar, but a very special calendar. The shooting took place in Beauduc, in Provence, France, with ideal weather: sun, wind, super brightness, and the magic happens."
Enjoy the making-of-video of "Gregory Capra Calendrier 2011":
Clever Editing For Crazy Eyes
The Citizens United propaganda film Fire From The Heartland (trailer here) edits an encounter between Rep. Michele "Crazy Eyes" Bachmann to make it look like she totally pwned Treasure Secretary Tim Geithner. Here's what really went down.
Campaign begins against potential 'catastrophic' cuts to London LGBT services and charities
Lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans (LGBT) charities in London which provide vital services to said communities are facing unprecedented threats to their funding, which is currently provided by by London Councils.
London Councils, a pan-London membership organisation made up of all 32 London boroughs, the City of London, the Metropolitan Police Authority and the London Fire and Emergency Planning Authority, distribute nearly £28 million in grants each year to voluntary groups in the capital, including a host of LGBT charities which provide specialist help that otherwise would not be available.
An alliance of LGBT organisations is now launching The LGBT Say NO! to Cuts campaign in response to threats to cut cash flow to such services.
Services under threat include: homelessness advice, youth homelessness prevention, homophobic and transphobic hate crime prevention and victim support, domestic abuse services, anti-homophobic bullying work in schools and support to under-eighteens at risk of sexual exploitation.
These are key services for some of the LGBT community, as mainstream services often do not always meet their needs.
For example, domestic violence services often work only with women and many LGBT people prefer to receive support from LGBT organisations. There is also the fact that LGBT people are often at increased risk of homelessness, increased violence and forced marriage.
Cross-borough, pan-London funding currently makes such services possible, albeit on a tiny budget. This funding could be potentially taken away as soon as March 2011, a move which could have a disproportionate effect on the capital's LGBT community.
Deborah Gold, CEO of Gallop, an LGBT safety charity and one of the organisations behind the No! to Cuts campaign said: "If we lose our funding from London Councils, the risk to these vital services would be catastrophic. And the impact on Londoners who experience homophobic or transphobic hate crime, or domestic abuse, would be enormous – with the only London-wide service that meets their needs closing its doors."
For further information on the campaign, go to londoncouncilscampaign@lgbtlondon.com.
Fewer than half of Americans are against legalising same-sex marriage, poll finds
According to results released by the Pew Research Centre yesterday, a new poll has found that fewer than half of Americans are against legalised same-sex marriage.
Pew, who have been polling Americans on the issue of same-sex marriage since 1995, said that this is the first time such a result has occurred.
While more Americans overall still oppose gay marriage than support it, only 48 per cent of those asked opposed it, in a poll conducted between July and September this year. In last year's poll on the same issue, 54 per cent were opposed.
Results were also noted to differ wildly along age, political and racial lines, with 53 per cent of those born after the 1980s being in favour of same-sex marriage and only 29 per cent of those born between 1928 and 1945 feeling the same.
For Democrats, the figure was 53 per cent in favour, whereas the Republican figure came in at only 24 per cent. White Americans were apparently divided evenly over the issue, while black Americans opposed the legislation by a much wider margin.
One issue on which the American public were fairly consistent on was the subject of LGBT people serving in the military. Support for said issue has remained "fairly stable" over the years, said Pew, with sixty per cent being in favour of openly gay and lesbian soldiers serving in the US military.
Study suggests bisexuals get 'bad deal' in local government equality policies
A research project undertaken by the University of Huddersfield on LGBT equalities and local government has found that a lack of understanding surrounding bisexuality in the workplace is leaving those who identify as such largely invisible.
Dr Surya Monro, Research Fellow at the University of Huddersfield, undertook the research project in collaboration with colleagues at the University of Newcastle (funded by the ESRC).
The study revealed that a lack of awareness regarding bisexuality has resulted in many local authorities only addressing gay and lesbian people in equality policies or simply tagging bisexuality onto the end of gay and lesbian issues. Dr Monro said: "There are some issues which are only specific to bisexuals that people don’t realise or think about".
Although Dr Monro believes things are moving in the right direction, a lack of resources within authorities means that prejudice towards bisexuals is still apparent.
"I already had an interest around the politics which surround LGBT equality," said Dr Monro, "and my PhD was about transgender, so it was partly what I was interested in and partly a commitment to social justice.
"We had this idea for a research project looking at how things have moved on. Following legislation passed under New Labour, which was really supportive of LGBT becoming more included in society, we thought it was time to see if things actually had changed on a local level."
The Equality Act 2010 is to go into force this month, which is intended to simplify and strengthen the previous legislation. But recent government financial cuts mean there is still the danger of equality issues falling off the agenda as local authorities try desperately try to keep basic services afloat.
Catholic adoption agency fights to retain right to discriminate against same-sex couples
England's last remaining Catholic adoption agency have filed an appeal against the Charity Commission for England and Wales, who forbade them to turn away any same-sex couples approaching them with a view to becoming adoptive or foster parents.
The Catholic Care agency, which serves Leeds, Middlesbrough and Sheffield Hallam, wish to continue their policy of dealing only with married heterosexuals and single men and women as potential adoptive parents.
They lodged their appeal last week against the decision taken back in July by the Charity Commission that their policy was discriminatory toward homosexuals and in breach of European and British equality and human rights laws.
As reported in the Catholic Review, the agency's appeal argues that the Commission ignored the opinion of a High Court judge, Sir Michael Briggs, who ruled in favor of Catholic Care back in March when they first appealed against the decision.
Catholic Care's lawyers are arguing that Section 193 of the 2010 Equality Act allows charities a limited right to discriminate if it represents a "proportionate means of achieving a legitimate aim."
In turn, the Commission argued that such "discrimination can only be permitted in the most compelling circumstances."
Of all the Catholic adoption agencies in England and Wales, Catholic Care was the only one to fight against the laws, passed in 2007, which prohibit discrimination in the provision of goods and services to LGBT people.
The other agencies have since either split from the church or closed down.
Alison Moyet Covers Grace Jones
Backed by the Buggles, whose leader Trevor Horn produced the 1985 Grace original. Bad Flip video, decent audio.
(Tipped by JMG reader Johnny)
MINNESOTA: Catholic Archbishop Denies Communion To Gay Students
About 25 students wearing rainbow buttons in protest of the Catholic Church's recent anti-gay DVD campaign were denied communion on Sunday by Archbishop John Nienstedt.
The St. John's action was coordinated by students, including members of People Representing the Sexual Minority (PRiSM), which represents gay and lesbian students and their friends and allies. That Sunday, according to those at the mass, about two dozen worshipers positioned themselves to receive communion from Nienstedt, who was saying his first student mass at the abbey. Some reached for the communion wafer but were denied it. Rather, the archbishop raised his hand in blessing. The archdiocese long has denied communion to members of the Rainbow Sash Movement, who wear the colors to mass in protest of the church's stance in opposition to homosexual relationships. Its leader, Brian McNeil, said the action at St. John's was not connected to his group.
A just-formed Catholic lay group called Return The DVD has collected about 1000 discs sent to them by angry congregants. They have also raised $5000 to feed Minnesota's hungry, an action they say is more appropriate to the Catholic mission. The Minnesota archdiocese has mailed out 400,000 anti-gay DVDs.
TODAY: Supreme Court Hears Westboro Baptist Church Free Speech Case
The Westboro Baptist Church picketed the White House yesterday in advance of their appearance before the Supreme Court today where the father of a slain U.S. Marine is asking that his $5M judgment against the Phelps family be reinstated.
Albert Snyder, of York, Pa., took legal action after church members picketed the funeral of his son. "My son and the hundreds of thousands of other men and women who have died for this country worked too hard to preserve our freedom of speech than to have it mocked and cowardly stood behind like this church does," Snyder said. The church members claim America's acceptance of homosexuality and abortion are some of the reasons for all of its problems. In 2006, church members demonstrated at Matthew Snyder's funeral. His father sued and in 2007, a jury ordered the church to pay $11 million US. That penalty was later reduced to $5 million. The verdict and penalty were later overturned on appeal.
Westboro is being represented by the ACLU. If you can bear it, Megan Phelps is live-tweeting the proceedings.
UPDATE: JMG reader Meredith sends us the below live-shot from outside the court.
Quote Of The Day - Larry Brown
"I hope all the queers are thrilled to see him. I am sure there will be a couple legislative fruitloops there in the audience." - North Carolina state Rep. Larry Brown (R), in a mass email about Equality NC awarding its annual leadership prize to NC House Speaker Joe Hackney. Pam Spaulding reports that Equality NC will be mailing a box of Fruit Loops to Rep. Brown with every donation they get before their gala awards event. And you can add your own personalized message to Brown with the box.
Brazil Goes Where America Has Only Dreamed: Clown Elected To Congress
Tiririca, or Francisco Oliveira Silva to give him his real name, was elected as a federal deputy for Sao Paulo with more than 1.3 million votes. Tiririca, or "Grumpy", had slogans such as: "It can't get any worse." Tiririca won 1,353,355 votes - well ahead of the next best-supported politician, former Rio state governor Antony Garotinho, who took more than 694,000 votes to be elected a federal deputy for the state. "What does a federal deputy do? Truly, I don't know. But vote for me and I will find out for you," was one of his messages.
Tiririca's candidacy had been challenged on the grounds that he may be illiterate, but election authorities ruled that he can be removed after taking office if proven to be unable to read or write. His below campaign ad has gotten over five million views on YouTube
Dan Savage Fires Back
"To the angry folks: I admit that IGBP doesn't do the impossible. It doesn't solve the problem of anti-gay bullying, everywhere, all at once, forever. The point of the videos is to give despairing kids in impossible situations a little thing called hope. The point is to let them know that things do get better. For some people things get better once they get out of high school, for others things get better while they're still in high school. And some kids, like the kid above, are helping to make things better for other kids who are in still high school. But things do get better and kids who are thinking about suicide need to hear that.
"And to those who insist that all the videos are just oldies speaking from a place of adult privilege: have you watched the videos? There are tons from teenagers, many still in high school, many who are already out of the closet. And there are tons of videos from people who came out while they were still in middle or high school talking about their experiences good and bad and unimaginable.
"Nothing about letting kids know that it gets better excuses or precludes us from pressing for the Student Non-Discrimination Act, demanding anti-bullying programs, confronting the bigots who are making things worse, or supporting the Trevor Project. But we're not going to get legislation passed this instant or get anti-bullying programs into schools in rural areas—particularly private Christian schools—before classes start tomorrow. Doing all of that is going to take years of hard work and dedicated activism. In the meantime, while we work on all of that, we can get these messages of hope in front of kids who are crisis right now." - Dan Savage. Read his entire piece.
Matt Barber: Gay Vultures Are Picking The Bones Of Dead Queer Children
"As Rahm Emanuel famously said: 'You never let a serious crisis go to waste. It's an opportunity to do things you could not do before.' It makes me physically ill to watch as the HRC and other ‘gay' militants lick their chops and rub their hands together over the tragic suicides of these troubled, sexually confused young men. Before they were even laid to rest, the radical homosexual lobby pounced leveraging these suicides to demand that government codify each of their extremist, social engineering demands. This is political exploitation at its slimiest and it pours salt on the wounds of loved ones.
"But Christians are also praying that these wicked and callous political vultures who seek to exploit these suicides become confounded and fail fantastically. Their mission is not one of ‘tolerance' or ‘diversity.' Quite the opposite: Their goal is to fan flames of anti-Christian bigotry and discrimination, evangelizing on behalf of their own perverted god: moral relativism. We simply won't let them get away with it." - Liberty Counsel attorney Matt Barber.
University Of Michigan Student President Talks About Attacks From Andrew Shirvell
Accused Stonewall Inn 'gay basher' denies he's a homophobe
Matthew Francis, one of the two men accused of assaulting a gay man in New York City's Stonewall Inn early last Sunday, claimed in a prison interview yesterday that he doesn't hate gay people.
Mr Francis, 21, and Christopher Orlando, 17, both of Staten Island, are being charged with assault as a hate crime and attempted robbery after they reportedly confronted Ben Carver, 34, in the bar's toilets and set upon him after he refused to meet their demands for money.
Mr Carver fought back, and his assailants were chased from the bar by punters and a bartender before being apprehended by police in the street.
As reported in the New York Daily News, Mr Francis was unapologetic in an interview conducted yesterday the Manhattan House of Detention, where he is being held until his bail is paid. He said: "I'm not going to say sorry because I don't know what I should be sorry for." He added: "I don't hate gay people. I don't hate anybody."
Francis also said that although he felt bad for his victim, he resented being charged with a hate crime, which carries much harsher penalties than assault alone. He said: "If it had happened somewhere else I wouldn't be be here".
Mr Carver, the man who suffered the assault, was reportedly "stunned" by Mr Francis's claims. He said: "I have a headache – it's lasted for three days . . . it's been a difficult time for me and I'm looking forward to it being over."
Mr Francis also said that his sister was "a full-blown lesbian," adding that he often visited the Staten Island bar where she worked as a barmaid on lesbian-themed nights at the venue. "I don't discriminate against gay people," he added.
Mr Francis and Mr Orlando are due back in court tomorrow.
One half of Malawian couple is seeking asylum in Canada
Tiwonge Chimbalanga, one half of the Malawian couple sentenced to 14 years' hard labour before being released in May, is seeking asylum in Canada.
According to the Pan African News Agency, Mr Chimbalanga's asylum claim has been confirmed by an activist at Malawi's Centre for the Development of People.
Mr Chimbalanga and Steven Monjeza were arrested back in December 2009 under Malawi's sodomy and indecency laws, but were reluctantly pardoned by the country's president in May this year. Following their release, the couple split, giving different accounts of their relationship to the press.
Mr Monjeza claimed he had been coerced into the symbolic engagement ceremony at which he and Mr Chimbalanga were arrested, and said he was renouncing his homosexuality.
Mr Chimbalanga denied that his former partner had been forced into the ceremony but said that he was not disappointed and would find another man to marry.
New Jersey senator says he'll introduce anti-bullying legislation on US college campuses
The senator of New Jersey, Frank Lautenberg, announced yesterday that he planned to introduce legislation requiring colleges to adopt a code of conduct that prohibits bullying and harassment.
This comes in the wake of a student's recent suicide after his involvement in a gay sexual encounter was secretly filmed and broadcast online.
Mr Lautenberg, a Democrat, made the announcement at a town meeting held on Rutgers University campus in Brunswick, New Jersey, in memory of 18-year-old Tyler Clementi, who jumped off the George Washington Bridge in to the Hudson River on 22 September.
His suicide has highlighted the silent suffering of gay teens across the USA. Tragically, Clementi's suicide is one of several of among gay US teens recently, including a 13-year-old Texan, Asher Brown, who reportedly shot himself after suffering anti-gay bullying.
Clementi's roommate and another student have been charged with invasion of privacy.
'Pink Protest' to be held at University of Cape Town
Student activists at the University of Cape Town, South Africa, are planning to stage an anti-homophobia protest today after a symbolic 'pink closet' sculpture intended to highlight the effects of homophobia was burnt down.
The bright pink closet was erected in the university's Jameson Plaza for the launch of Pink Week, and was set ablaze on Monday, after having been on display for less than 12 hours. The closet had previously been displayed in 2007, when it was defaced with graffiti.
The Pink Week campaign is hosted by the university and Rainbow UCT, which is run by an LGBTI student group to celebrate and raise awareness of sexual diversity.
Speaking to Cape Times, Dylan Jack van Vuuren, chairman of Rainbow UCT, said the closet had been left in its burnt-out state to highlight prejudice on campus.
Mr van Vuuren said: "We request that university management, including Campus Protection Services, acknowledges that this is a hate crime and an indication of a larger problem found within the UCT community and broader South African society, which needs to be addressed."
The Rainbow UCT plan to gather at the Rondebosch campus this afternoon with a banner declaring "Gay Rights are Human Rights". They will then proceed to deliver a memorandum to university management.
Campus authorities have opened a case of destruction of property, but there have been no arrests reported so far.
In a statement, Mr van Vuuren said: "The remains of the Closet have remained in position for the duration of Pink Week, and have been integrated into somewhat (sic) of an art installation designed to memorialise those who have suffered injustices and lost their lives at the hands of homophobia."
He added that friends of the society had sent flowers and a new metal closet had been erected as a symbol of the community's strength.
Rainbow UCT said the message they wished to send with their planned protest was that hatred, regardless of whether it occurred within the campus boundaries or on a national level, was not to be condoned.
James Franco For Candy Magazine
Copyranter points out James Franco's cover shot for the first issue of Candy Magazine, "the first transversal style magazine." One thousand copies only, street date October 24th.
Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010
Video message to gay teens: 'It gets better'
Dan Savage, a writer and columnist, has acted as an agony uncle to depressed gay young people through his column 'Savage Love'.
In the video, which has been viewed by 400,000 people, he and his partner Terry recount their experiences of being bullied and urge youngsters that life does get better.
Mr Savage said: "When a gay teenager commits suicide, it's because he can't picture a life for himself that's filled with joy and family and pleasure and is worth sticking around for.
"So I felt it was really important that, as gay adults, we show them that our lives are good and happy and healthy and that there's a life worth sticking around for after high school."
The video has been supported by a number of celebrities, including Anne Hathaway, Ke$ha and Kristin Cavalli.
In the video, the writer, who has a young son, reminisced about standing on a snowy mountaintop with him and his partner.
Mr Savage's partner, Terry, said: “Those moments make it so worth sticking out the bullying and the pain and the despair of high school. And if you can just do that, you have moments like that and so many more, ahead of you."
Other celebrities, such as gay blogger Perez Hilton, have filmed their own videos to encourage gay teenagers to get through bullying and harassment.
Hundreds of people have commented on the channel or filmed their own home-made videos.
To watch Dan and Terry's video, see below.
London HIV charity Naz Project faces closure
The Naz Project, set up 20 years ago, says it is now at a "make or break" point and has been hit hard by the recession.
The charity has raised £3,000 already but says this is not enough to keep it afloat.
Chief executive Bryan Teixeira told DIVA magazine: “We are asking our supporters to invest in sustaining one of the premier BME [black and minority ethnic] sexual health and HIV organisations in the UK. And we need that investment now.
"While other sectors get bailouts, specialist charities like NPL that are addressing the ever-widening gap in health inequalities in our 'Big Society' must not be left to go to the wall.
The charity is funded by a range of sources, including the Department of Health, the Big Lottery Fund and and range of trusts and foundations.
It spends the vast majority of its income on charitable activities. Last year, it had an income of £890,093, of which it spend £842,000 on charitable activities.
The Naz Project is asking people to donate through the Virgin Money website.
Go to the website http://uk.virginmoneygiving.com/nplurgentappeal and search for Naz Project London.
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