Rabu, 06 Oktober 2010

Robbie Williams says he wants a 'gay baby'

Robbie Williams has announced that he wants a gay baby.

The former Take That star, who recently married Ayda Field, was speaking to an Australian radio station about his desire for children.

When the 37-year-old was asked whether he wanted a girl or a boy, he replied: "I really want a gay one. We've talked about it and that's what we want, whatever it is.

"I genuinely don't care. I always wanted a boy ever since I was little, but now I'm like 'Oh yeah, girls – they're daddies', girls, aren't they?'"

He added: "If it's a guy I'm going to teach it to play footie and all of that stuff, and if it's a girl I'm going to protect her to my death."

The singer and former bandmate Gary Barlow recently recorded a parody of the gay cowboy movie Brokeback Mountain for their single 'Shame'.

The single was released this week.

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